Living Life to the Brim
A message from Mark A. Johnson, Inspirational Coach
Dictionary.com defines “Brim” as full capacity; to be abundantly filled or supplied, often overflowing; to fill to the brim. Living life to the brim represents our individual ability to live life to the fullest.
I am not referring to waking up in the morning, drinking your coffee, and meandering to work. “Life to the Brim” is about drinking up all that life has to offer.
We all can live life to the fullest. However, few have the courage to live fully.
I have often been told I am eccentric, and I do not deny that fact. I believe in people and have the hope and belief that each person’s life can brim with happiness, success, joy, purpose, physical wellbeing and the satisfaction that they have achieved their dreams. If this is eccentric then I would prefer to live in an eccentric world rather than a world full of woe, mental pain, and dismal hopelessness.
True Purpose
Since my separation from the military, I worked with incarcerated men, women, and youth. I have enjoyed being a conduit of change as I tapped into my true purpose. Unfortunately, a high percentage of people do not know what their purpose is—do you?
I passionately believe that until a person realizes their unique purpose, they will not impact this planet as they were created to. People may make a lot of money, raise and have loving families, do outstanding work on the job, become the CEOs of large corporations, pastor churches, etc. Yet, most people are not fulfilling their purpose.
While working in a correctional setting, I drew a parallel between the incarcerated and free—free meaning those people who go home every day. The lesson and wisdom I gleaned from my observation is that freedom is not necessarily a physical phenomenon; freedom is a state of mind.
An incarcerated man, woman, or youth is physically restricted to their confined space. However, I have observed many of them demonstrating a state of mental freedom above some who are not incarcerated.
Many people in our society are imprisoned in the mind through self-imposed limitations that keep them from living a life of purpose. They fail to believe in themselves and allow others to dictate their lives. They have surrendered their passion for living for and exist in simple neutrality. Life was not meant to be neutral; life was meant to be lived!
Is someone within your sphere of influence a prisoner within their own mind? We see them on the news—millionaires, movie stars, simple people, and grand people. All of these represent individuals who are not living a life of purpose. Many, sadly, will go to their grave never realizing their purpose.
Our purpose is aligned with our passion, and our passion is aligned with our dreams
This unique trinity of purpose, dreams, and passion is what gives life meaning. Everyone should have a purpose statement explaining what they were created to do. My purpose statement is to “Inspire, Impact, Empower and help transform those in and out of the space I occupy”.
In conclusion, I would like for you to answer this question:
What is your personal purpose statement? Are you truly living a life of purpose?
Please contact me to learn more about discovering your unique purpose.